Home > Uncategorized > Asexual…….bah!


The urban dictionary defines asexual….:

a person who is not interested in or does not desire sexual activity, either within or outside of a relationship. asexuality is not the same as celibacy, which is the willful decision to not act on sexual feelings. asexuals, while not physically sexual-type folks, are none the less quite capable of loving, affectionate, romantic ties to others.

Thats me right now! Well precisely now and for like the past month. For some odd reason I’m going through this phase where I’m not feeling sexual @ all! I’m getting a little concerned that someone might have neutered me in my sleep or slipped some mercury in my food/drink or sthn (not quite sure where I heard that mercury has that effect, but I know that as a random fact!) I’m officially concerned, the last time I got laid was a while back. Not only that, the last time I made out was like…….jeez that is even more waay back AND I haven’t been jerking off either! I’m feeling like my sex life has as much flavour as this piece of dry toast

The odd thing is that I’ve not got blue balls, I don’t feel pent up sexual pressure like I need to get off either. This is new and different for me, this last weekend I was out and met up with one old acquantaince I think he was the guy in scenario one in this post and he was really psyched for us to make out or sthn and I just wasn’t feelin it! I met up with another cute dude over the wend and I’m all I’m like interested in is ‘getting to know the person’ – ‘Houston, we have a problem’!

Well maybe it’s a passing phase, some work related stress or something else driving it – either way I just don’t get it! I wanna go back to being me….or as the urban dictionary defines a bisexual

The ability to reach down someone’s pants and be satisfied with whatever you find 

PS: After reading the definition above, Im officially switching to the Urban Dictionary as my official Dictionary

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