
Posts Tagged ‘difficult’

Difficult question

May 26, 2011 2 comments

the other day I got to hook up with a good friend -Bob. That was lotsa fun catching up, though he was late n that was the not fun part of meeting up Nkt! But most definitely that didn’t dampen the fun in catching up with Bob. It’s bn like a year since we last hooked up cz we r in different parts of the country. Of course we had been in touch on phone n all but hadn’t met up for that long. Bob has put on some weight in a good way 🙂 he has more flesh in all the right places! I told him as much which got him a lil flushed He he he!

Anyway, Bob has this particularly interesting trait – he likes playing philospher and asks all sorts of deep questions and likes getting to the meaning in the meaning (kinda like a dream in a dream like in the movie inception). If I were ever to paint/sculpt him in the nude it’ll likely be something like this….

(of course with some adjustments for his recent flesh adjustment!).  So Bob playing the philosopher asks me “If like tomorrow you were to break up with your current gf, would you date a guy or a chick? And I opened my mouth very quickly to answer and …… I just couldn’t answer – I didn’t know! And that’s the honest truth! Woah ……I must say I was shocked at my lack of a quick and final answer thats not like me. But on the flip side I wasn’t going to (and didn’t need to) lie to Bob.

So while a random friend of mine is having his own similar yet parallel challenges here, I’m just starting to grapple with the same thought but on the other end of the scale…… what if I’m not bi??? Hmmmmmm